Emery's 5 & 10
Oldest Five and Dime in the South!
Emery's 5 & 10 offers a shopping experience unlike any other. This 21st Century variety store evokes emotion, nostalgia and a longing to rustle up thoughts of the past. Around every corner, guests can find the same books their grandparent’s read to them, candy and old-fashioned sodas from their childhood and an array of hand-picked merchandise from family-owned businesses across the country.
Although the store has grown and developed into a modern destination and 21st Century variety store, its roots have not been forgotten. On the walls of this five and ten, you’ll find black and white photos of the original location started by Ron’s grandfather in 1927. You’ll find merchandise hung from the same fixtures purchased 50 years ago and vintage décor hanging from the ceiling. And you’ll find Ron Emery, who works in the store from sun-up to sundown to keep his grandfather’s story and vision alive.
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